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My name is Romanie Verbauwhede, when I was 16 I first took up photography while traveling and soon I started landscape photography. After a year I got to know fashion and portrait photography and it was love at first sight.


The first few years I did not know there were professionals for make-up, hair or styling until I met my first make-up artist in 2012. 


I soon invested in my own equipment, learnt photoshop and got to know a lot of new talented people. Currently I have my own studio in Ertvelde, Evergem.


Starting 2015 I got published in different magazines, not only local, but also at the other side of the world and also in some internet photographymagazines and advertisements.


During 2016 I met a bunch of wonderful models and make up artist that made my work so much more fun.


In 2018 I became a mom for the first time and I had to put photography on hold for a while, but at the end of 2019 I started to pick up my favorite hobby and bookings were flying in!


You can also find my work on facebook and instagram:


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